BLZ Codes, Bankleitzahl, Sort Codes and SWIFT Codes for all Banks in Germany.

Bankleitzahl, BLZ Code, Sort Code is a numerical code used to identify an individual branch of a financial institution in Germany. The number consists of 8 digits, and it is used for domestic bank transfer. Generally, the first 4 digits identify the banking company, and the latter 4 digits are assigned to the branch.

For international inward money transfer, a SWIFT code must be used together with a Bankleitzahl and Account Number. Alternatively, use IBAN account number as Bankleitzahl was part of it.

The format of Bankleitzahl is as follows;


  • the first digit (A) identify the clearing area.
  • the next 2 digits (BB) identify the bank location (Bankplatz).
  • the next 1 digit (C) identifies the banking group (Bankengruppe).
  • the last 4 digits (DDDD) identify the branch.

Thüringen - Page 12

The table below are the address and Bankleitzahl or BLZ Code for all banks in Thüringen, Germany. Click on the Bankleitzahl to find out the bank details, maps & SWIFT Codes/BIC Codes.

No Bank or Institution State City Bankleitzahl / BLZ
551 VR-Bank Coburg TH Steinach, Thür 78360000
552 VR-Bank NordRhön TH Dermbach, Thür 53061230
553 VR-Bank NordRhön TH Geisa 53061230
554 VR-Bank Werra-Meißner TH Heilbad Heiligenstadt 52260385
555 VR-Bank Werra-Meißner TH Schimberg 52260385
556 VR-Bank Werra-Meißner TH Treffurt 52260385
557 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Bad Liebenstein 84055050
558 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Bad Salzungen 84055050
559 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Barchfeld, Werra 84055050
560 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Berka /Werra 84055050
561 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Creuzburg 84055050
562 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Dermbach, Thür 84055050
563 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Dorndorf, Rhön 84055050
564 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Eisenach, Thür 84055050
565 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Geisa 84055050
566 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Gerstungen 84055050
567 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Großburschla, Thür 84055050
568 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Kaltennordheim 84055050
569 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Kieselbach b Bad Salzungen 84055050
570 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Marksuhl 84055050
571 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Merkers 84055050
572 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Mihla 84055050
573 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Ruhla 84055050
574 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Schweina b Bad Liebenstein 84055050
575 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Seebach b Eisenach, Thür 84055050
576 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Stadtlengsfeld 84055050
577 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Tiefenort 84055050
578 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Treffurt 84055050
579 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Unterbreizbach 84055050
580 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Vacha 84055050
581 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Völkershausen b Vacha 84055050
582 Wartburg-Sparkasse TH Wutha-Farnroda 84055050